Because Only Together We Can

Build a World

Where All Youth Are Safe, Strong & valued

Who We Are

The Children’s Health Organization for Relief and Educational Services (CHORES) is a not- for- profit health organization. We were founded in 1987 and are currently  in Grenada and Jacksonville, Florida. The first mission of CHORES to Grenada was August 1989. CHORES Support Group Grenada is based in St. George’s, Grenada. 

What We Do


— We Provide Care

For our children.


— We Build Networks

Through medical and financial partners.


— We Strengthen

Communities by keeping out children healthy.


— We Educate

Medical providers in our community.


— We Consult

With regional and international partners to deliver the best care for our children.


— We Find and Fund

We find grants to fund the cost of medical care for our children.

Making an impact

CHORES Group returns to Grenada

CHORES Support Group Grenada is happy to announce a CHORES project scheduled for May 2022.
The team will be here for one week of work. The clinic will be held at the Kirani James Athletic Stadium from Monday May 23 to Friday May 27, 2022

CHORES Group returns to Grenada

Chores Support Grenada is pleased to announce the arrival of the CHORES team to our shores after a 2-year hiatus precipitated by the Covid crisis.

The last project, arranged for Spring 2020, was cancelled as we approached lockdown.
